Baseball Divisions
Determine your kid's league age - Little League Age Determination
T-Ball (ages 4-6)
This is typically the first year for players to be out on a field, there is no try out and teams are generated by the BOD. Coach and/or teammate requests are honored as best as possible, please include this in registration under “special requests”.
AA (ages 6-8)
The last division with coach pitch, meant to help introduce fundamentals of fielding and hitting the ball- again, with no tryouts. Developmental division with coach pitch for first half, and player pitch the remainder of the season. Coach and/or teammate requests are honored as best as possible, please include this in registration under “special requests”.
AAA (ages 8-10)
Still developmental, changes from AA are: players pitch all season, players must attend scheduled assessment(s), and teams are formed by draft.
Majors (ages 11-12)
Players must attend scheduled assessment(s) and teams are formed by draft. Teams play against other ACLL teams as well as teams from local leagues.
Intermediate (50-70) (ages 11-13)
This division is a bridge between Majors and Juniors, allowing players to play on a field slightly larger than Majors, and smaller than Juniors. (50' pitching mound and 70' bases). Players must attend scheduled assessment(s) and teams are formed by draft. Teams play against other ACLL teams as well as teams from local leagues.
Juniors (ages 13-14)
Players must attend scheduled assessment(s) and teams are formed by draft. Teams play against other ACLL teams as well as teams from local leagues.